The Missing Fruits of Our Labor

Our pastures here tell a story. When we take the time to observe and listen it seems to be the classic story of over worked and under paid, and I imagine the past steward would tell the same.  We observe compensation with different weed species to try to preserve itself. Doing what it can to retain moisture, minerals, carbon, nitrogen, and microorganisms.  The earth, like us is a survivalist and we are in search of nourishment. 

I never realized how my continuing education in human wellness would assist me in expanding knowledge in soil health. The connections in our health and soil health continues to overwhelm my thoughts at times.  It is my personal belief that at the root of many troubles is poor nutritional and physical composition. Digging further into the dis-eases on the rise keeps my mind regularly thinking about what creates fertility and what creates infertility. Minerals are at the core of every cellular function inside and out, body and soil.

Mineral balance, pro metabolic, and hormone repair lifestyles are hot topics right now within the holistic wellness space, and with good reason. It is un natural for something alive to self-destruct, even if at times it feels like our body is doing us wrong. Just a reminder, we are mindfully made.  Looking at the body and what it needs to function naturally, it seems more and more we just don’t have what it takes. Cells in hormone producing glands and organs require specific minerals to function properly. We see so commonly one area of the body is compensating for not having what it needs by taking from another area or completely bypassing the secretion of specific hormones to support the body in times of stress. We run on stress hormones until we can’t. Depending on our DNA, some of us can last longer than others on that source of fuel. 

Mineral depletion comes in many forms. I would consider stress and toxic load to be the biggest factors at play. We are consistently running through life putting out fires, trying to stay afloat, and not nourishing our bodies. We are tapping into stress responses, because that is what our body thinks we need. In some of those moments, it’s not wrong. When we ask our body so frequently to pay up, it obliges and does so. During this time, it feels it’s an emergency situation. Here we use the resources, day in and day out. When resources are tapped out, we no longer have anything to give to vital producers within the body. Some that come to mind are the thyroid, pineal gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, and the liver. This creates a lack of rest, metabolic /energy upset, low progesterone, low testosterone, just to name a few imbalances that can result in many diagnoses that lead to infertility. Coincidentally, we ran a soil test here at coast to coast around the time a client had received their minerals and metals test results. The similarities of the minerals listed are striking. 

We also have a lack of absorption when consuming nutrients. We do not have a supplement deficiency and cannot supplement our way to health. If we are not practicing regenerative ways of living, we simply have a lifetime of costly routines. This goes for soil health as well. We can supplement within the soil for temporary nourishment, it is not regenerative if we do not have an end in sight to this. Soil like us needs light, dark, rest, just the right amount of stress/disturbance and feeding.  With good biome health we can absorb what we need from natural sustenance. The tricky part is achieving that biome health, and just the right load of stressors to become more resilient and fruitful. Did you know the soil biome is very similar to ours? As soil and human health continue to connect for me, I recall observing a slide of an epithelial cell from skin and another from an intestine wall. The slide remarkably resembled a topography map I had seen before. Fascinating.  We are all works of art in the making, living in a world that continues to challenge these ideas. Achieving wellness is a labor of love. Let us not stop working towards rich health. 




Falling Into Winter