The Buzz About Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Sorting through the chatter of hot topics like EMF is challenging with so much information at our fingertips. We have access to native electromagnetic fields, which are good! These come from the sun and the earth. We also have access to non-native electromagnetic fields–those are not so good. These non-native electromagnetic fields come from many devices in our daily lives. What is an EMF? Simply put, the electromagnetic field is an invisible space of energy. In the non native form, we also know this as radiation. 

 Unfortunately our lifestyles in this day and age tend to bring us the highest exposures to non-native EMF. We have bluetooth connection to everything, using radio frequency waves to connect us to whatever it is we want to be connected to. Bluetooth speakers, our vehicles’, smart watches’ connection to our phones, electric cars charging, “smart home” appliances, the wifi connection to our homes, and cellular phones in general (especially while charging) exacerbate our exposure. As convenient as wireless headphones are, I would consider them to be one of the most harmful as they are directed to your brain. One earbud is connected to the other with your valuable goods in between. 

The dangers of non-native EMF exposure have been known to cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations, nausea, and mental/emotional upset. Although EMF exposure in heavy doses is still relatively new to a certain extent, there are still many studies under way to discover the further long-term upset to our bodies. A person's severity of symptoms will depend on their sensitivity to these fields. With experience, I have found that clients who are generally more susceptible to imbalances have greater sensitivity to EMF. Thankfully, there are many ways to limit exposure. For example, charge your phone away from you. This one is the most simple, although for me it was a challenge. We no longer have a landline, so our cell phones are the way we communicate. Letting go of the fear of being “not reachable”. 

Native electromagnetic fields are found to have a direct positive impact on our bodies. Free and easy ways to get this exposure actually surpass the list of pricey ways to get non-native exposure. For instance, walk outside barefoot (also known as grounding) anywhere and anytime. Making sure your feet are directly on the earth is key here. Skin exposure to the sunshine is another great example. Like with grounding, it needs to be direct. Without looking directly at the sun, step outside or go for a walk without sunscreen, hats or sunglasses. Five minutes per day is a great place to start, then working towards 15-30 minutes. Letting your body gradually adjust to exposure is important–use caution to not have too much sun exposure without protection. We have to find the “happy spot” that works for each of us individually. Getting this infrared light from the sun is healing to your body's cellular energy. It is proven to be calming and rejuvenating simultaneously. Similar to sleep, this is a great way to repair and do a little “house cleaning” for your body. We need this to stay well. Infrared lights have become a popular way to isolate this energy to a specific spot on your body with injury or inflammation. 

In this era, monitoring exposure is difficult to navigate. It is tough to change things we have become so comfortable with. Making informed decisions about our lives is a privilege we sometimes don’t realize that we have. Take care, unplug, and get your bare feet on the ground. 


Take It With a Grain of Salt
